Saturday, June 18, 2011

Letter 9

Dear Mom,

Hey Mom!  How is everything going?  I received your package today.  Thank you so much for all the help and support.  I wouldn't have the drive I have if you weren't right behind me, pushing me along.

The hardest thing about basic I would say is the attitudes of the other females. It is getting better, but for some it will never change.

Well, this week's schedule is:

Monday - Night Fire
Tuesday - EST Training
Wednesday - Combatives
Thursday - Combatives
Friday - Final PT Test/Night Fire
Saturday - Confidence Tower

24 DAYS til Family Day!  How exciting it will be. :)  I can't wait to see all of you.  I miss you guys so much.  I need my real family around.  I have made some good friends here, but real family is nice too.

As for staying in, I'm not quite sure.  I am going to complete my 3 years and if I am liking it, I will go reserve and retire as that.  If not, I will decide when it comes to that.

I'm so excited for AIT.  Phones every day, laptops, news, week-end off post passes... Sounds like heaven compared to what I'm going through now. 

As for people I have become close with, there are 3 females:  Kraxberger, Conway, and Jackson (Emily).  (We have 2 Jackson's.)  They are all girlie like me, so I don't stick out as an odd ball.  They are really a good support system.  Conway & Jackson are both staying here for AIT and I will get to see them on free time.  (They have a different MOS than me.)  Kraxberger is leaving us.  Her AIT is at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.  That will be sad, but we are still going to keep up with her on FaceBook and stay in touch.  I have also met one other female in my platoon from Michigan.  She has the same MOS & AIT as I do.  She is from Madison Heights, MI.

I'm including my picture.  I'm going to get new pictures done in AIT.  That picture was done the first day we got here.  We only got 2 hours of sleep and pictures were the next day.  I'll give you the rest of the copies at graduation.

Thank you for your love and support.  I wouldn't be where I am today without your love and strength behind me every step of the way.  FYI:  I qualified with my weapon.  I'm now a "U.S. Shooting Machine".


Love Heather!

P.S.  Tell everyone I said "Hello" and hugs and kisses to all.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Letter 8

Hey Mom,

I got your 2 cards on Tuesday, but haven't received your 2nd package.  Hopefully, it didn't get lost in the mail.  I'm excited today, we got sized for our "blues" today.  34 days left and I've already started my count down.  These females here have the worst attitudes, but I'm actually happy that I have kept my mouth shut.  You know me, I'm stubborn and quick to react and throw attitude.  I haven't done that lately, so kudos for me.

We had our 2nd PT Test yesterday and I did much better.  The first PT Test I did, I did 4 push ups, 51 sit ups, and did my 2 mile run in 19:27 minutes.  The second PT Test I did yesterday I did 18 push ups, 64 sit ups, and did my 2 mile run in 17:27 minutes. 

I zeroed in shooting the other day as well.  I have also been named Bay Leader.  I keep track of the fire guard shifts and make sure that all duties are  done before the end of everyone's shift.  It's like the mom of the barracks.  So, I'm finally fitting in here. 

Today, we also got our money for our pictures we receive next week.  We also went shopping for necessities.  Now, I am all stocked up for the next few weeks. 

Tell Robyn that I said "Congrats" on her graduation.  I wish I was there to help her celebrate.  I also hope the car is working for her.  I love all of you so much!

xoxo Heather

This week's schedule:

Monday - BRM PreQual
Tuesday - Qualify Day - Basic Rifle Marksmanshp
Wednesday - Classes
Thursday & Friday - FTX - Field Training
Saturday - FTX Recovery Day

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Letter 7

Hey family!  How's it going?  Sorry, I haven't wrote much, training is heating up.  So far, we have done confidence courses,shot machine guns, grenade and rocket launchers, and zeroed in range shooting with an M-16 rifle.  I throw grenades next week and will be zeroeing more at the range as well.  Slowly, but surely, I am finding my comfort spot and doing just fine.  I passed my 2nd PT test today.  I'm doing a lot better on my sit ups and way better on my push ups!  The countdown has also begun and I currently have 40 days left until I see you all again.  I have sent out grad info.  You should receive it any day now.  I really hope that everyone can come.  Also, Robyn, you have to keep me updated on your graduation stuff and pictures.  Tell Holly to stop being lame and write me!  I miss her very much, as well, and would love to hear from her.  Tell Mike, I said "Hello" and "Love You"!  Can't wait to show him how my shooting is when I come home after AIT.  Tell Carrie to to keep writing.  I love everyone's letters.  They really help to read when I am down or discouraged in training...which is often.  I'm way too girly and had no idea what I was getting myself into.  Certainly aren't any hair or nail salons nearby!  I'm sure you can feel my pain! :)

Well, I love and miss you all so much!  Update me on your travel info for graduation and write back ASAP!

Love you,
